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 *シェイクスピア作品のモデリングとXMLスキーマ設計 [#b13ce67d]
 **モデリングとXMLスキーマ設計のための調査、分析計画 [#r213cdf2]
 **ウィリアム・シェイクスピア作品リスト [#of055940]
 |RIGHT:1|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|All's Well That Ends Well|終わりよければすべてよし|
 |RIGHT:2|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|As You Like It|お気に召すまま|
 |RIGHT:3|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|The Comedy of Errors|間違いの喜劇|
 |RIGHT:5|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Love's Labours Lost|恋の骨折り損|
 |RIGHT:6|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Measure for Measure|尺には尺を|
 |RIGHT:7|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|The Merry Wives of Windsor|ウィンザーの陽気な女房たち|
 |RIGHT:8|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|The Merchant of Venice|ヴェニスの商人|
 |RIGHT:8|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|The Merchant of Venice|[[ヴェニスの商人]]|
 |RIGHT:9|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|A Midsummer Night's Dream|夏の夜の夢|
 |10|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Much Ado About Nothing|から騒ぎ|
 |11|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Pericles, Prince of Tyre|ペリクリーズ|
 |12|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Taming of the Shrew|じゃじゃ馬ならし|
 |13|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|The Tempest|テンペスト(あらし)|
 |14|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Troilus and Cressida|トロイラスとクレシダ|
 |15|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Twelfth Night|十二夜|
 |16|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Two Gentlemen of Verona|ヴェローナの二紳士|
 |17|BGCOLOR(#ffccff):喜劇|Winter's Tale |冬物語|
 |18|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|Antony and Cleopatra|アントニーとクレオパトラ|
 |21|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|Julius Caesar|ジュリアス・シーザー|
 |22|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|King Lear|リア王|
 |25|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|Romeo and Juliet|ロミオとジュリエット|
 |26|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|Timon of Athens|アテネのタイモン|
 |27|BGCOLOR(#ccffcc):悲劇|Titus Andronicus|タイタス・アンドロニカス|
 |28|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry IV, part 1|ヘンリー4世(一部)|
 |29|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry IV, part 2|ヘンリー4世(ニ部)|
 |30|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry V|ヘンリー5世|
 |31|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry VI, part 1|ヘンリー6世(一部)|
 |32|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry VI, part 2|ヘンリー6世(ニ部)|
 |33|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry VI, part 3|ヘンリー6世(三部)|
 |34|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Henry VIII|ヘンリー8世|
 |35|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|King John|ジョン王|
 |36|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Richard II|リチャード2世|
 |37|BGCOLOR(#ccccff):史劇|Richard III|リチャード3世|
 **「ヴェニスの商人」の作品構造(原文) [#j7263760]
 -The Merchant of Venice
 ---Scene 1: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 2: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 3: Venice. A public place.
 ---Scene 1: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 2: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 3: The same. A room in SHYLOCK'S house.
 ---Scene 4: The same. A street.
 ---Scene 5: The same. Before SHYLOCK'S house.
 ---Scene 6: The same.
 ---Scene 7: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 8: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 9: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 1: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 2: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 3: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 4: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 5: The same. A garden.
 ---Scene 1: Venice. A court of justice.
 ---Scene 2: The same. A street.
 ---Scene 1: Belmont. Avenue to PORTIA'S house.
 **「ヴェニスの商人」の作品構造(小田島雄志訳) [#h1f7e4c3]
 ---第一場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第二場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第三場: ヴェニス、広場
 ---第一場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第二場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第三場: ヴェニス、シャイロックの家の一室
 ---第四場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第五場: ヴェニス、シャイロックの家の前
 ---第六場: 前場に同じ
 ---第七場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第八場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第九場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第一場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第二場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第三場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第四場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の一室
 ---第五場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸の庭園
 ---第一場: ヴェニス、法廷
 ---第二場: ヴェニス、街路
 ---第一場: ベルモント、ポーシャの邸に通じる並木道
 **シェイクスピア全作品に共通の基本構造 [#vcc52583]
  | Plays 作品集(芝居集、戯曲集、台本集) |
   | *********************
   +-| Play 作品(芝居) |
   | *********************
   |     |
   |     | **********
   |     +-| Act 幕 |
   |     | **********
   |     |     |
   |     |     | ************
   |     |     +-| Scene 場 |
   |     |     | ************
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     | ************************
   |     |     |     +-| Line 台詞(せりふ)  |
   |     |     |     | ************************
 --作品集(芝居集) 1..1
 --作品(芝居) 1..37
 --幕(Act) 1..*
 --場(Scene) 1..*
 --台詞(せりふ) 1..*
 **共通の基本構造(改訂版) [#sb287163]
 また、Act(幕)- Scene(場)- 人物 - 台詞(せりふ)という構造があります。
  | Plays 作品集(芝居集、戯曲集、台本集) |
   | *********************
   +-| Play 作品(芝居) |
   | *********************
   |     |
   |     | **************
   |     +-| Front 前付 |
   |     | **************
   |     |     |
   |     |     | ******************
   |     |     +-| 登場人物リスト |
   |     |     | ******************
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     +-| 人物 |
   |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     +-| 名前 |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     +-| 役柄 |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |
   |     |     | ******************************
   |     |     +-| 場面(舞台となる場所など) |
   |     |     | ******************************
   |     |
   |     | *************
   |     +-| Body 本体 |
   |     | *************
   |     |     |
   |     |     | **********
   |     |     +-| Act 幕 |
   |     |     | **********
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     | ************
   |     |     |     +-| Scene 場 |
   |     |     |     | ************
   |     |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     +-| 人物 |
   |     |     |     |     | ********
   |     |     |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |     |     | ************************
   |     |     |     |     |     +-| Line 台詞(せりふ)  |
   |     |     |     |     |     | ************************
 **「ヴェニスの商人」の原文をコンテンツ化してみる [#d790b3c9]
 -The Merchant of Venice
 --Front 前付
 ---[[Persona 登場人物:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/actors.html]]
 ---Scenes 場面&br;(Partly at Venice, and partly at Belmont, the seat of Portia, on the Continent.)
 ---[[Scene 1: Venice. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/1-1.html]]
 ---[[Scene 2: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house..:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/1-2.html]]
 ---[[Scene 3: Venice. A public place.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/1-3.html]]
 ---Scene 1: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 2: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 3: The same. A room in SHYLOCK'S house.
 ---Scene 4: The same. A street.
 ---Scene 5: The same. Before SHYLOCK'S house.
 ---Scene 6: The same.
 ---Scene 7: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 8: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 9: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---[[Scene 1: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-1.html]]
 ---[[Scene 2: Venice. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-2.html]]
 ---[[Scene 3: The same. A room in SHYLOCK'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-3.html]]
 ---[[Scene 4: The same. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-4.html]]
 ---[[Scene 5: The same. Before SHYLOCK'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-5.html]]
 ---[[Scene 6: The same.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-6.html]]
 ---[[Scene 7: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-7.html]]
 ---[[Scene 8: Venice. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-8.html]]
 ---[[Scene 9: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/2-9.html]]
 ---Scene 1: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 2: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 3: Venice. A street.
 ---Scene 4: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.
 ---Scene 5: The same. A garden.
 ---[[Scene 1: Venice. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/3-1.html]]
 ---[[Scene 2: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/3-2.html]]
 ---[[Scene 3: Venice. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/3-3.html]]
 ---[[Scene 4: Belmont. A room in PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/3-4.html]]
 ---[[Scene 5: The same. A garden.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/3-5.html]]
 ---Scene 1: Venice. A court of justice.
 ---Scene 2: The same. A street.
 ---[[Scene 1: Venice. A court of justice.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/4-1.html]]
 ---[[Scene 2: The same. A street.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/4-2.html]]
 ---Scene 1: Belmont. Avenue to PORTIA'S house.
 ---[[Scene 1: Belmont. Avenue to PORTIA'S house.:http://wiki.a-dos.com/xmlstudio/ados/contents/venice/5-1.html]]
 *コメントコーナー [#z9ade6da]

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